Try Me Comfy
What’s include?
💎Lysako Bra
What so special ?
Try Me Comfy offers you the ultimate convenience. Now, you can comfortably try our products in the comfort of your own home. And if you decide to keep the bra after the 7-day trial, it’s all yours!
But if you’ve tried it and the fit isn’t quite right, no worries! You have options. You can choose to exchange the size or opt for a return and get a cash refund within 7 days of delivery. We’ve got you covered!
Categories: Promotion, Seamless Bra
Tags: Beige, Black, Comfortable, Green, Maroon, Seamless, Silver, Sleeping bra, Wireless
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Looi Shyn En (verified owner) –
The bra is is very soft on the skin and it feels comfortable to wear and I love how it has no wire and yet supports well. Do give them a try and support local!