Save the Earth, Save Your Wallet

With Lysako Recycling programme, you do not have to worry about stocking up on the old/ready retired/new-but-not suit you lingerie in the wardrobe.

Join our sustainable movement by recycling old/unwanted bras & undies. Together, let’s make a positive change for our planet.

As a lingerie brand, we embrace our responsibility to minimize our environmental impact. While perfection may be elusive, we believe in the power of small changes and better choices to make a difference.


Product Impact | Chemical

You have probably heard about nasty synthetic chemical is harmful to everyone and the environment. This we where we choose the products are using plant-based dyeing which helps to minimise the Bad side- A little colour transfer is expected.


Packaging | Box

Our sustainable packaging aims by:

  1. Ensure most packaging is recyclable or reusable wherever possible.
  2. Optimise packaging design to use the fewest necessary materials.
  3. Work with vendors for better packaging option that meets requirements for functionality and quality to reduce environmental impact
Sustainability - Management, Waste

Management | Waste

We would like to stop using unnecessary plastic packaging and we hope in future our packaging is completely plastic free. Therefore, don’t get pissed off if you received the parcel without bubble wraps as per we improving our quality of the box.

The Fashion industry is responsible of waste worldwide but it can be better. In partnership with Kloth Cares, we collect the old bras from our subscription members every three months to decrease the number of bras send right to our landfills by supporting recycling textile.

To make a difference for future generations,
we focus with three areas.

You have probably heard about nasty synthetic chemical is harmful to everyone and the environment. This we where we choose the products are using plant-based dyeing which helps to minimise the Bad side- A little colour transfer is expected.

Our sustainable packaging aims by:

  1. Ensure most packaging is recyclable or reusable wherever possible.
  2. Optimise packaging design to use the fewest necessary materials.
  3. Work with vendors for better packaging option that meets requirements for functionality and quality to reduce environmental impact

We would like to stop using unnecessary plastic packaging and we hope in future our packaging is completely plastic free. Therefore, don’t get pissed off if you received the parcel without bubble wraps as per we improving our quality of the box.

The Fashion industry is responsible of waste worldwide but it can be better. In partnership with Kloth Cares, we collect the old bras from our subscription members every three months to decrease the number of bras send right to our landfills by supporting recycling textile.


We believe in a healthier and better living tomorrow. We will invest the profits for building a greener environment for every recycled bra.


We urge you to experience with us to help in reducing the amount of reusable textiles that unnecessarily go to our landfills. With the implementation of a bra recycling habit, you’ll help to build a greener tomorrow, from box of inner piece.